The building that is on 10,000 m2 area in Ankara was designed as a Training and Research Hospital. Two parallel blocks suitable landform were planned; a galleried and bridge crossing atrium was offered between them. Atrium disconnects the hospital and training functions and links them at the same time. In the front block, there are polyclinics on the upper floors, and diagnosis and treatment departments on the lower floors. In the parallel back block, education-related areas with different classrooms on each floor are designed.
Education entrance between two parallel blocks was planned from the upper elevation by utilizing from the site slope. Hospital entrance is at the intersection of lower level and bed block from the bottom level. The emergency was divided into the pedestrian and vehicle traffic and located in the back block. The patient bed block rises 12 floors above the base mass. External patient, internal patient, visitor and personnel flows were separated with unit zoning in horizontal and vertical circulation, circulation conflicts were prevented. Tower bed floors were separated from the base mass as both color and material in the facade.